Little Rock Dog Bite Lawyer

Skilled Dog Bite Lawyers Serving Little Rock, AR

Little Rock Dog Bite AttorneyAnyone who has experienced injuries from an aggressive dog knows the gravity of a dog bite or attack. Despite this, incidents of serious dog attacks, particularly on small children, continue to occur in Arkansas. Fortunately, if a dog owner has failed to control their dog properly, they can be held legally responsible for any injuries caused by their pet.

If you or a loved one has been injured by a dog bite or attack, the experienced Little Rock dog bite lawyers at Pfeifer Law Firm can assist in holding the dog’s owner accountable. Our dedicated team of accident lawyers focuses on ensuring negligent dog owners are liable for the harm and injuries their dog has inflicted.

Criminal and Civil Liability for Dog Bites

In Arkansas, Code § 5-62-125 criminally holds an owner accountable if they were aware of their dog’s tendency to attack, allowed the dog to attack another person, and that attack resulted in death or serious physical injury. Arkansas also defines vicious dogs as those that:

  • Attack a person, dog, or other animals
  • Have repeatedly shown aggression toward a person, dog, or other animals
  • Have injured a person, dog, or other animals

Additionally, Little Rock Municipal Code Chapter 6 imposes further restrictions on the types of dogs that can be kept within city limits and outlines the responsibilities of dog owners. Dangerous breeds can only be kept under special permits, which come with specific requirements.

Severe Injuries Resulting from Dog Bites

The American Veterinary Medical Association reports that over 4.5 million individuals are bitten by dogs annually in the United States, with nearly 20 percent requiring medical care. Dog bites and attacks can cause a range of injuries, including:

  • Abrasions, cuts, and lacerations
  • Deep puncture wounds
  • Infections
  • Scarring
  • Disfigurement
  • Nerve damage
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Wrongful death

If you or a loved one has been harmed by an aggressive dog, our knowledgeable Little Rock dog bite attorneys can assist you in understanding your rights and obtaining compensation for your injuries.

The One Bite Rule in Arkansas

In many states, including some parts of Arkansas, the “one bite” rule may be applied to determine a dog owner’s liability. This rule means that if a dog has shown previous aggressive behavior, whether it involved a bite or not, and the owner was aware of it, the owner can be held responsible. However, a dog owner can also be held liable under general negligence principles. The experienced dog bite lawyers at Pfeifer Law Firm can help you understand your legal rights following a dog bite injury.

Compensation from a Civil Lawsuit

In addition to facing criminal charges, a dog owner can be held liable for a dog bite or attack through a civil lawsuit. While criminal liability punishes the dog owner and may provide restitution for the victim, filing a civil complaint is crucial for seeking additional compensation for your damages.

Through a civil lawsuit, you may be able to recover compensation for current and future medical costs, lost wages and loss of earning capacity, property damage, emotional distress, and pain and suffering.

Securing the assistance of an experienced Little Rock dog bite lawyer is essential for a successful dog bite liability claim. At Pfeifer Law Firm, we are here to help.

Seeking Skilled Legal Guidance From Our Little Rock Dog Bite Lawyer

While dogs are often considered “man’s best friend,” not all encounters with them are friendly or safe. If you or a family member has been injured by a dog bite or attack, seek the advice and guidance of our Little Rock dog bite lawyer at Pfeifer Law Firm. Contact us or use our online contact page to schedule a no-cost consultation.
